Technical Service Information
Learn about what's required to setup and subscribe to the Personal Virtual Meeting Room (PVMR) service as a new customer.
You can find more info about the following here:
RCV Network and Firewall requirements
Skype for Business federation requirements
The diagram below illustrates the various ways users could connect to a PVMR.
The following components are required for a new PVMR customer:
- Connectivity to the service via the Internet or Spark WAN services connection
- Integration with the customers Active Directory OR (coming soon - option to use PVMR hosted accounts)
- Outlook 2010 or newer client to support the Meeting scheduling plugin
- alternately; users may potentially create email client templates/signatures for inserting their PVMR details into their meeting invites. (Note - these would require manual updating if a user for example added a PIN to their account or changed to a host/guest based PVMR account.)
Active Directory Integration
The PVMR service integrates with the customers Active Directory database to read user details when creating their PVMRs and which user logins to the Self service portal are authenticated against.
This integration requires the following:
- Connectivity via a Spark WAN services connection to the RCV service (TCP 389 or SSL 636)
- connections to the customers AD will be from the public RCV address range:
NOTE: an SSL LDAP bind via port 636 is highly recommended so credentials are transmitted securely
- A read-only Active Directory (AD 2008 or later) account which can read all PVMR user accounts
- the password must be set to not expire on this account
- an AD security group or appropriate filter to identify the users to create PVMR accounts for
- an AD domain controller with an SSL certificate installed for an SSL based LDAP bind
The following AD attribute mappings are used by the PVMR service:
Description: AD attribute options PVMR attribute:
First Name givenName First Name
Last Name SN Last Name
Email Address mail Email address
Users displayed name displayName Display name
Login username sAMAccountName Username
Telephone number telephoneNumber Telephone
PVMR Meeting ID phone Meeting ID
Spark requires the following information to configure the integration:
- Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and IP address of the Active Directory server/s
- the desired AD attribute to PVMR attribute mappings from the options above for:
- Login username
- PVMR Meeting ID
- A read-only Active Directory (AD 2008 or later) account which can read all PVMR user accounts
Welcome Email
When new users are onboarded, they receive a welcome email (based on their email address out of Active Directory). This provides guidance to this website for the setup and use of their PVMR and their PVMR meeting invitation details.
Outlook Scheduling Plugin (download here)
The Outlook scheduling plugin allows users to include their PVMR dial-in details in a meeting invite with a single click. The PVMR details are downloaded from the service each time a meeting is booked ensuring PVMR details are up to date if a user changes their meeting room settings.
We recommend company admins pre-install the plugin where possible to users devices to avoid users needing to do so. Users authenticate via the plugin using their usual company AD credentials.
NOTE: we strongly recommend only deploying the scheduling plugin to Windows 7 or higher. Older versions of Windows (e.g. Vista/XP) use insecure password hashing algorithms when storing user credentials in the Windows Secure Store.